Learn about the various City-State offerings and choose your Allies based on your current needs (food bonus at start of game, culture bonus to grow quickly once established, military bonus if you're in a war).Science can really help you research useful technologies and get ahead a lot faster. Science - Try to prioritize buildings that give you science.Don't build every building in every city -be selective, build for specialization (1 city builds military, 1 city generates cash, 1 city generates research, etc.).When automated, the workers may build too many unneeded things on tiles like farms which results in a higher gold cost every turn. Automation - It is never a good idea to automate your workers or scouts, the AI is not good a t building or avoiding barbarian encampments, so it is better to manually direct them every turn.

This way you won't accidentally run into barbarians and lose your scout. Be careful scouting - When scouting and exploring the land, try to move your scout 1 step at a time in areas you think there may be enemies.Start small (1 or 2 cities until they reach population 5-ish), focus on settling your cities near Resources (Strategic & Luxury),.Thanks to Rob and our site staff for these tips.

God Mode + Stronger Units (strength = 500) The table contains a script with the following features: Here is my contribution for " Civilization 5: Gods and Kings" version